Given the extraordinary participation of last year, it is with a great enthusiasm that we are announcing the Episode II of our ‘Minimally Invasive and Trans Catheter Cardiac Surgery Ancona Live Virtual Course’ that, presented by CTSNet, will be virtually held on June the 7th and 8th.
From a minimally invasive and a trans-catheter perspective, our Faculty, composed of international KOLs and experts in the field will make focus on CABG, Aortic Aneurysms and Mitral Valve Surgery. Comprehensive lectures will be followed by multiple Live in Box presentations.
In a step-by-step fashion, from preoperative planning to post-operative care, You will be given the opportunity to learn the most contemporary minimally invasive and transcatheter approaches and techniques for CABG, aneurysm and mitral valve interventions.
Through an appropriate time for discussion and a constant interaction between the participants and the Faculty, our course is ideated to be engaging. In addition, each session will include one Live in Box video abstract selected from your submissions… so please, if you want to be part of our Faculty, submit your minimally invasive and transcatheter interventions at Your video should be 5 minutes long, HD, and well showing a challenging case or an innovative technique.
Cardiac Surgery need to progress, and we believe minimally invasive and trans-catheter is the way to go.
We are looking forward to welcoming you with this unforgettable educational project, on CTSNet, June the 7th and 8th.
See you there!
Prof. Marco Di Eusanio