Stefano Marasca

Stefano Marasca is Full Professor of Business Administration at Università Politecnica delle Marche, in Ancona, Italy, where he teaches Strategic Control Systems and Crisis Management in graduate and p.h.d. courses. He is member of the Board of Università Politecnica delle Marche and he is the President of Sidrea, the Italian Association of Academics in Accounting and Business Administration. His research interests include financial accounting, management accounting, planning & control systems, performance management and performance evaluation in private and public sector, mainly in healthcare organisations, intellectual capital measurement, accountability and integrated reporting for profit and no profit organisations.

He is the author of papers published in international and national peer-reviewed Journals, books anche book chapters on the above mentioned themes.

He is the Editor of two book series  on Accounting and Business Administration and a member of the Scientific Committe of the  Journal “Management Control”.