Maria Serena Chiucchi is Full Professor of Business Administration at Università Politecnica delle Marche, in Ancona, Italy where she teaches Management Control Systems and Financial Reporting in graduate and undergraduate courses. She is the Director of the Department of Management at the same University. She is the Vice President of the Scientific Committee of the OIBR (The Italian Body for Business Reporting). Her research interests include management accounting and control, cost analysis and cost-effectiveness evaluation in public and private organizations, sustainability accounting and reporting, intellectual capital measurement, management, the accountant role and identity and qualitative research methods with particular reference to the case study method. In addition, over the last fifteen years, she has been conducting several interventionist research projects regarding the design and implementation of strategic control tools, of Intellectual Capital Reports and, more recently, Integrated Reporting.
She is the Co-Editor of the Journal “Management Control” and Associate Editor of the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management.
She is the author of articles on the above mentioned themes published in international and national peer reviewed Journals. She has also authored books and book chapters on the same themes.